Home » {Online} Destellos CLUBZ (Album download)

{Online} Destellos CLUBZ (Album download)

Looking to download Destellos album online ? Released: Sep 28, 2018 , CLUBZ launched Indie Pop album Destellos.

Album has 11 Songs, 33 Minutes available to download or listen

Download here http://www.musicdown.online/?d=4630#figjamloops111718

Album songs list:
Palmeras 3:57

Áfrika 3:43

El Rollo 2:50

Réplica 3:54

Nagano (feat. Ela Minus) 3:03

Templos 4:44

Cáile (feat. Buscabulla) 3:23

JAMZ 1:15

Popscuro 3:57

Nota de Voz 0:32

Súper Visión (feat. Girl Ultra) 2:25


Mexican duo CLUBZ made an underground splash in 2014 with a breakout EP that set stylish riffs against motorik rhythms. But their long-gestating debut album, Destellos, trades that occasionally raw indie-rock sound for throwback electro-pop. These songs are indebted to the big-budget grooves of the early ’80s, full of unctuous saxophone melodies, basslines set to boogie, and glittering synthesizer washes. The pair perfectly captures the moment when the prickly hooks of New Wave meet the opulence of post-disco R&B, whether with the choppy digital funk of “Áfrika” or the plush dance-floor glide of “Réplica."
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