Home » Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings (Bonus Track Version) ONLINE LEAK AVAILABLE

Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings (Bonus Track Version) ONLINE LEAK AVAILABLE

Looking to download Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings (Bonus Track Version) album online ? Released: Mar 21, 2008 , Counting Crows launched Rock album Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings (Bonus Track Version).

Album has 19 Songs, 1 Hour 30 Minutes available to download or listen

Download here http://truemp3.club/?d=957#figjamloops111718

Album songs list:
1492 3:50

Hanging Tree 3:50

Los Angeles 4:40

Sundays 4:21

Insignificant 4:14

Cowboys 5:22

Washington Square 4:17

On Almost Any Sunday Morning 2:58

When I Dream of Michelangelo 3:10

Anyone But You 5:24

You Can't Count On Me 3:16

Le ballet d'or 5:00

On a Tuesday In Amsterdam Long Ago 4:57

Come Around 4:31

Sessions (Bonus Track) 4:17

Sunday Morning L.A. (Bonus Track) 5:48

Track By Track Interview With Adam Duritz (Bonus Video) 20:44


As suggested by title of the Counting Crows’ first album in six years, Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings deals in celebration and contemplation. The album begins with the band driving hard; “1492” cruises like Pearl Jam. But by album’s end, singer Adam Duritz is nestled up alongside a piano wondering what it all means (“On A Tuesday Afternoon in Amsterdam Long Ago”) before pulling the band together for one final encore of classic rock togetherness (“Come Around”). The band’s louder moments are a tad brittle and Duritz’s plea for understanding his superstar life in “Los Angeles” a tad self-absorbed, but the band succeeds with the mid-tempo acoustic-based rock that brought them to national attention. “You Can’t Count On Me” has a sweet jangle and “On Almost Any Sunday Morning” perfectly replicates that “Sunday Morning Coming Down” that Kris Kristofferson once eloquently put into song. That’s where Counting Crows deliver on their promise as a no-nonsense band of the people.
Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings (Bonus Track Version) full album download
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