Home » Listen Inception (Music from the Motion Picture) Download MP3 MP4 Album

Listen Inception (Music from the Motion Picture) Download MP3 MP4 Album

Looking to download Inception (Music from the Motion Picture) album online ? Released: Jul 9, 2010 , Hans Zimmer launched Soundtrack album Inception (Music from the Motion Picture).

Album has 12 Songs, 49 Minutes available to download or listen

Download here http://truemp3.club/?d=1610#figjamloops111718

Album songs list:
Half Remembered Dream 1:11

We Built Our Own World 1:55

Dream Is Collapsing 2:23

Radical Notion 3:42

Old Souls 7:43

528491 2:23

Mombasa 4:54

One Simple Idea 2:28

Dream Within a Dream 5:04

Waiting for a Train 9:30

Paradox 3:25

Time 4:35


When the credits roll on a wickedly smart action movie and the first thing on our minds is “Where can I get the soundtrack to this?" you can bet the film was scored by Hans Zimmer. His hypnotic, circling, four-chord groups build into whirlwinds of intensity on the eerie "Radical Notion" and the hyperkinetic "Mombasa." Listen for appearances by Smiths vet Johnny Marr, as his guitar cuts a viscerally emotive streak through the symphonic epic "Time."
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